Office desk with laptop, newspaper, coffee, calculator, and documents.

First impressions count – and this goes for companies and employees. If a new starter’s first days are smooth and easy, it will show in their work. However, if new colleagues feel unsupported and left to their own devices, the honeymoon phase will end sooner than expected.

As an employer, you want to make the good times last as long as possible – after all, a happy employee is a productive one. Follow our tips to create a smooth onboarding process for your new colleagues.

1. Frequently Asked Questions? Create a welcome pack

“What tools do you use?”, “Do I have to get approvals at certain points in my workflow?”, “Who do I contact if I have to…?”

In any company, there are standard ‘new-starter’ questions already answered. A welcome pack needs to include info about the company’s history and culture, defined workflows, about relevant stakeholders and contact people, perks, rights, and responsibilities.

Present this in a well-structured way – and in an easily accessible place. If you don’t have a welcome pack yet, now is the time to start. To ensure you cover the most important questions, ask your employees – the newer the better – about the challenges and difficulties they faced when joining.  

Starting out properly will help your new talent find their way to productivity, faster. They will learn better, appreciate your help – and be able to help you improve your onboarding process for the next new starters!

2. Buddy up!

The first few days are the perfect time to introduce your newest team member to your employees. Create a buddy system and assign your new talent to an “experienced” person who knows the ins and outs of your company.

The buddy could be the general contact person for work-related questions, helping new starters better understand the company culture and making them feel truly welcome. Good personal relationships at work foster employee loyalty and help create an enjoyable working climate – improving productivity.

3. Remember your past

This is the hardest part. It is highly possible you did everything you could to welcome them, but they can still face difficulties – so be patient. Remember that not so long ago you also walked in the shoes of a newbie. What might now seem natural and logical to you could be a totally new approach and mindset for them.

Instead of pressuring them with impossible deadlines, remind them to ask advice from their buddy or to come to your office for a chat. Be warm; show them they are in a safe place, and that they can open up. The more secure they feel the faster they will feel integrated into the team. 

Discover more practical tips and tricks around your job search in our advice section. Or if youre ready, start your next job search, here. 





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